UIF Registered Sassa Declined

There are some reasons why your Sassa was declined. The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has advised SRD grant applicants to appeal if their application has been declined due to UIF registration. If you have been affected by any of this there are ways that you can fix it back and make sure that everything is being done correctly. There is information that you will need to know about Sassa and how to tackle issues like this if they decide to come up again.

UIF Registered Sassa Declined

There have been some issues recently with those using the SASSA platform to link with their UIF and getting declined status or an error message. If you are one of those, then there is a solution for you. Not everyone has been able to successfully link their UIF with SASSA and this can be for so many reasons.

Those using the Sassa and trying to link with the UIF that are getting a declined message can follow the step-by-step procedure that will help them in accomplishing any of this in no time. ย Follow the step-by-step process and see how you can make changes to the UIF being declined;

  • Go to the Sassa Appeals Website https://srd.sassa.gov.za/ and do the following:
  • Enter the ID number
  • Enter a telephone number
  • Lodge appeal

You will also be required to sign a declaration and consent form confirming the validity of the information you have provided, as it will be shared with other organizations and financial institutions such as SARS and banks. A detailed declaration and consent document is available on the SASSA website.

Once the appeal is lodged, SASSA will verify your employment status with the UIF and then notify you regarding the outcome. You can contact SASSA on their official toll-free (0800 60 10 11) number or on WhatsApp (082 046 8553) where they can help in assisting you on this issue or you can visit the nearest labour office for more details on the issue.

If you find that you are registered with UIF and benefit from them, you aren’t eligible for the grant and should not do anything else about it. However, if you find that this is not true and that you indeed are not employed and don’t receive UIF benefits, you are urged to submit an R350 grant appeal.

The appeal has to be lodged on the website within 30 days of when your rejection status became available to you. This appeal will mean that SASSA has to reconsider your application and you will have to give them a good reason as to why you believe you should receive the grant.

Many persons have been able to report this issue to the UIF or by visiting the labour departments to get answers as to why it has not been working, there is a step-by-step procedure that you can use in lodging an appeal or complaint and the issue can be fixed. You can also place calls to the right persons involved in this by reaching out to their support services and then you can get answers to your request.

Sassa is known as the South African Social Security Agency created in 2005 to help in administering the South African Social Security System which involves the distribution of social grants on behalf of the department of social development. Its role was to centralize the provision of social security assistance and help in the fight against corruption and improve service delivery.

One of the key functions of the SASSA is the payment of social grants, processing applications for social security assistance, verifying and approving applications, disbursing and paying the grants to eligible beneficiaries, and preventing and detecting fraud.

UIF registered’ means that SASSA found that you are receiving or are eligible for UIF benefits. This then shows that you are receiving other funds or that you are not unemployed, which would mean you don’t qualify.

The main requirement for the SRD grant is that you do not receive any other sources of income as well as no UIF benefits or other grants, NSFAS included. There are so many reasons that this could mean that you donโ€™t qualify and this is why you must follow the rules of any scheme that has been given to you in any way.

The UIF works on rules and they do not bend them for anyone, the UIF scheme is like an open book where you can get credible information and you can make contact with the right set of persons that will be able to put you through as you carry out your registrations and your contributions along the way.

Knowing about the rules of the SASSA can save you lots of stress and it will help you in knowing why your UIF registration is showing Sassa declined. Sassa does not allow you to receive more than one benefit at a time and this is like breaking the rules that have been made.

If you are receiving funds or it shows that you are unemployed you have broken the rule and your SASA linking to the UIF will be declined. This will make it impossible for you to receive further funding and this will be hard to link both your UIF and SASSA together.

The UIF also plays by this same rule as it states that you must fit into one of those categories before you are allowed to claim any benefits. If you are not unemployed, you have no business applying for unemployment benefits because once you are caught you can be fined and your payment or anything will be declined as well.


We have given you information about the UIF and the Sassa declined issue, we have been able to state ways you can appeal the decline and make sure you check all details on the system if they are correct. You can do this yourself or you can decide to visit the labour department office nearest to you or make a call to the toll-free number that has been stated above.


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