The UIF reference number is very important and it is given to every employer that has registered on the UIF scheme. Every employee is to use the UIF reference number of their employer and the UIF reference is linked to his/her account. The reference number that you are being given shows all details of that individual account, your monthly contribution that has been paid and so many things concerning the UIF are all linked to the reference number.

UIF Reference Number

There is so much misinformation about the UIF reference number online and this is because lots of people do not know about the UIF reference number and what it entails. The UIF gives a special reference number to every employer and this is one of the ways anyone can get a reference number.

How to Get UIF Reference Number

Getting the UIF reference number is easy. All you have to do is register with the UIF and make sure that all credentials that you have provided are correct then you can easily get the reference number. You can sign up online and your reference number will be delivered to you in 5-10 working days.

The reference number signifies a UIF ID to all contributors and you will have to use this reference number to register your employees and pay their contributions. You can also visit your nearest Department of Labour to check your UIF registration number. If it is not yet ready, they will tell you the date you should expect it. If anything is missing that could cause delays in issuing your UIF reference number, the officials will tell you so that you can rectify the issue.

The UIF scheme is open to anyone that fits into a commercial or a domestic worker and the benefits that are attached to it are great. Once you keep paying your monthly contribution to the UIF you are entitled to receive benefits which are based on the amount of salary that you are receiving. The UIF pays a benefit of about 38% – 58% and if your salary is higher then a negotiation can be made on the amount you will be receiving bas benefits. If you retire or you participate in any fraud case that made you lose your job, you will not benefit any money from the UIF.

Once you work for a particular company, you will be issued a reference number and this number links all your details and contributions to the UIF. As an employer, you are required by law to register your employees if they work more than 24 hours per month. The UIF registration is open to domestic workers and commercial workers, though there are some exceptions to all of this, once you are being able to know the rules of the UIF then you are good to go.

As an employer, you should make sure that you contribute to the UIF scheme and make sure that your employee contribute to the scheme as well. You will have to teach them the benefits of the scheme and all that they could get if ever they need any help that falls into any of those categories.

The UIF scheme was meant to help those who are contributing to the system and this came into serious effect during the CoVID 19 period as there were so many persons that benefitted from the scheme and the government had to make it compulsory.

Once you register with the UIF as an employer you will get a unique reference number which will be used to pay your employee contributions to the UIF. It can take up to 10 days after registration on the UIF before you will get your reference number. Your employees will use your reference number to conduct any business or any issues they have related to the UIF.

You must know about the UIF and its rules so that when itโ€™s time you will be able to claim your benefits easily. You can use your UIF reference number to carry out different activities like registering your employees with uFiling, calculating your arrears, making your monthly UIF contributions, and calculating the money for monthly contributions.

When you submit your returns online, it becomes easier to perform your transactions using your reference number. Once the UIF registers you and your employees, both parties must use the unique reference number as a reference when performing different transactions.

UIF Reference Number Example

There is a pattern to which the UIF reference number is written and arranged, you must enter this number correctly else it will be declined when you are trying to carry out any transaction. The UIF reference number consists of nine characters, but it has eight digits. For example, 123456/7 could be your reference number.

This number must be entered correctly for any correspondence with the UIF; otherwise, it will be declined. You should only enter the numeric digits and leave out the slash between the digits. You should have it in mind that the UIF number is different from the PAYE number and should not be used interchangeably when necessary.

The UIF reference number can be easily gotten once you follow the steps that the UIF have provided, they have been able to make the process easier and faster and make sure that no two numbers are the same.

If you are a domestic employer, it is advisable that you register your workers for the UIF if they work more than 24h a month. You will have to show them the benefit of using this scheme and paying the monthly 1% contribution as it could be of help to them later.


Getting the UIF reference number is easy as several pieces of information are needed for you to know about the scheme. Not everyone knows the UIF this is why it is expected of you to read the information that you come across and verify if any claim concerning them is true.


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