UIF registration can be done online for companies and workers, it is important that you have the right documents once you want to carry this out. The UIF registration can be easily done from the comfort of your home or even office and everything can be faxed or emailed to the department of labour. You can carry out UIF registration as employers & companies online.

UIF Registration Online

You are required by law to register with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and contribute towards the fund if you have employed people for more than 24 hours per month. The UIF scheme was designed to make things easier and better for those working and contributing to the scheme.

You can register online as an employer and company and during this registration, you will have to get all your workers registered and ensure that you contribute to the scheme. Registration of your workers you will get their details and their ID card number which the UIF will use to track them and create login details for them on their password as well. The uFiling platform has been tasked with the registration of UIF for employers & companies and they ensure that you provide all the necessary information that is needed to get you started.

You can register for the UIF at https://ufiling.labour.gov.za/ this website gives you everything you need to know about registration for the UIF online. You will have to input all details that are being asked of you and make sure to upload all documents files that is being needed as well.

Online registration was created because it is not compulsory that you have to visit the department of labour office to carry out the registration process, you can do it from the comfort of your home. Documents can be emailed to them or faxed to them any of which is convenient to you and your company or any of which will be faster. Educating your employees about the need for the UIF and those of them who are new to it or just getting started is very important as in time to come the benefit of the UIF will be needed in their lives.

UIF Registration Form

UIF registration form can be gotten online, it can be downloaded as a pdf and filled with all the accurate details that are needed and then submitted to the labour department. You can complete the user online forms and get started with the registration online, you do not need to go to the labour office to begin any registration to stand and wait in line before you will be attended to. There are different means that you can register as well and if you encounter any problems then you can call the UIF and they will be more than ready to assist you.

UIF Registration Number

The UIF registration number is the number that is issued to you by the department of labour. This number will be asked for whenever you are trying to do anything related to the UIF. To do any transactions and make payments towards UIF you will need a UIF reference number.

Your worker or employee that is employed by you will be registered under your UIF registration number. Employees do not receive a UIF registration number as they fall under the employer. As an employer or a company, you will get your UIF registration number from the department of labour and this will take about 10 working days before it can be activated. This number will enable you to make contributions, calculate your earnings and do so many things on the platform.

UIF Online Registration as Employer

As an employer, you are entitled to the task of registration of your employees. You will be the one to get their details on the UIF platform using your UIF registration number and making sure that they are well registered on the platform. The UIF has made it known that employers are in charge of registration and monthly contributions. As an employer, you have the right to deduct the 1% of your employee earnings and pay it to the UIF monthly since they are registered on the platform.

UIF Registration for Companies

As a company, there are rules that you have to follow that the UIF has stated and all of this is to ensure transparency in the system. The UIF has made it a mandatory rule that all companies and their employees must register and contribute the monthly 2% from their salaries and this is for their benefit. Companies and Close Corporations that have at least one employee that works for them for at least 24 hours in a month must register for both Compensation Fund and Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF). No application should be submitted until there are employees.

UIF Registration for Employers

You can register as an employer on the UIF platform. You are the one to register before any other person in your company can. It is necessary to have all details ready that will aid in making your registration easier and better.

UIF Registration Domestic Worker

If your domestic worker works for you for more than 24 hours then you should register that worker on the UIF platform. You, the employer, will be registered as such and will receive a UIF number.

Your employee will be placed under your number for as long as they work for you.ย  If your employee becomes unemployed due to retrenchment, dismissal or contract expiry (NOT resignation) or is unable to work due to illness, maternity or adoption leave, they will be able to claim from the fund. This is under the condition that all contributions are current and paid up.ย  If you are in arrears, you are liable for the FULL amount outstanding as well as any penalties and interest owed.

The form that is needed to register a domestic worker is different from that of a commercial worker just so you have that in mind.

UIF Registration Certificate

The UIF registration certificate can be gotten by employers and this is free of charge. This certificate can be gotten online and should be used for whatever you need it for. Employers can apply for both the UIF Compliance Certificate and a Tender Letter online. This process can be done online at the Electronic Compliance Certificate System website. The service is free and can be used by employers, agents and tax practitioners.

UIF Registration Check

You can check if you are registered by the UIF and this can be done on the uFiling website by inputting your details like email and everything that is being asked for.


UIF registration can be done online, as an employer or a company you are in charge of the UIF registration of your workers. You are to ensure that they pay up their monthly contributions to the UIF as it is done for their good.

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