Category: UIF Education

  • The UIF number is a unique number that is given to an employer. This number helps in identifying an employer and his employees and making sure that when they apply for anything using the UIF they are recognized. As an employee you cannot get the UIF number on your own you will need to use…

  • There are so many reasons why your UIF might be cancelled online, you will need to find out why it was cancelled and then fill out a necessary form. The Unemployment Insurance Fund is ready to cater as a relief during the time of unemployment, adoption, illness or even death of a contributor. UIF Cancellation…

  • The UIF delayed payments are as a result of some of the issues that were going on in the platform. There was a lot of verification process during that time and the payouts were having a significant drop. There are so many factors that will cause UIF delayed payments and some of the issues are…

  • The Maternity benefits for the UIF can be applied by women who would want to take maternity leave for some time. You can easily check the UIF maternity status, calculate the maternity benefits and check out the forms that you can use in applying for this and also information on also contact the UIF in…

  • Claiming UIF can be very easy long as you have the needed documents that you can use to follow suit you are good to go. UIF is becoming so popular in South Africa and there is so much information circulating it. The recent increase in contribution and claims have made lots of people accept this…

  • The UIF has a contribution limit and a threshold it holds. There is a monthly amount of money that is paid as a contribution to employees and employers all of this is a result of the benefit that they will receive when they encounter any problem later on. The UIF contribution has increased from R14,…

  • The unemployment insurance fund known as the UIF has increased its payment after the COVID-19 period. This has made lots of people want to know more about the UIF and how they can get in, seeing the benefits that lots of people received then. The UIF has registered over 20,000 persons and they are currently…

  • The unemployment trust fund known as the UIF is one of those programs created by the government that is meant to cater for lots of persons under the tiers that have been stated in the program. You can do various things with the UIF and to qualify for the benefits of the program you must…

  • UIF registration can be done online for companies and workers, it is important that you have the right documents once you want to carry this out. The UIF registration can be easily done from the comfort of your home or even office and everything can be faxed or emailed to the department of labour. You…

  • An ombudsman is someone that is appointed by a company to investigate individuals or take charge of complaints in an organization. UIF Ombudsman Contact Details The UIF is becoming popular and many people in South Africa are now becoming more interested than ever. With over 20,000 recorded active accounts in the UIF databases, the benefits…