Category: UIF Education

  • Getting the UIF paymaster contact details can come in handy as you will need them for a couple of things. The paymaster contact details are differentiated by their provinces so you will know which to call. UIF Paymaster Contact Details Using paymaster in helping you get your UIF funds can be great and fast but…

  • Claiming UIF and getting your benefits is not difficult, the issue lies when you resign from your job and expect to get benefits like others who are facing unemployment issues. There are so many rules to the UIF and if you can follow them you are good to go. What Happens to My UIF Contribution…

  • Getting the UIF contact number toll-free is very compulsory especially if you are a UIF contributor as this number will help you know how to contact the UIF for free without no charges. Here is the UIF toll-free number: 0800 030 007 UIF Contact Number There are so many contact numbers that are available for…

  • For every program being run, there must be some complaints that are attached to it. There might be issues that users will be facing over time and you will need a means of laying out complaints so that they can be resolved as quickly as possible. UIF Complaints Many users have experience difficulty using the…

  • The Unemployment Insurance Fund is a scheme that caters for those that are ready to contribute to the system. Unemployment is unpleasant and it is something that is not planned for, this is why the UIF was established and meant to tackle issues like this. UIF is not calculated on the basic salary, it is…

  • The UIF is a scheme that pays relief funds to individuals that have contributed to the system. The UIF has made sure that every individual that has contributed to the system and if they are faced with any issues are available to support them. The UIF has a way it pays its contributors or those…

  • The UIF has been designed to be one of those schemes that are ready to help out the citizens who are contributing towards it. The UIF payment dates for 2022 have been published by the labour government and this will give insight and information on when you are to receive your next payment this is…

  • There are some reasons why your Sassa was declined. The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has advised SRD grant applicants to appeal if their application has been declined due to UIF registration. If you have been affected by any of this there are ways that you can fix it back and make sure that…

  • There are several ways that you can contact the UIF and make queries concerning payments. The UIF scheme has been designed to help lots of people in their times of need and they have been able to design a system that caters for needs and still finds the time to answer questions or solve issues…

  • The UIF scheme is meant for those who are unemployed, sick, on maternity leave or dying. Before qualifying for the UIF claim, you will need to get into the system and contribute your monthly payment as this will serve as a contribution and will make you qualify anytime you have any of the related issues…