Category: UIF Guide

  • The UIF death benefit can be calculated in so many ways. The difference in calculating all the tiers of benefit is not much as you can use an online calculator to be able to know the difference. The UIF death benefits have several documents that are used in applying for the claim and there are…

  • The UIF reference number is very important and it is given to every employer that has registered on the UIF scheme. Every employee is to use the UIF reference number of their employer and the UIF reference is linked to his/her account. The reference number that you are being given shows all details of that…

  • Claiming your UIF should be a priority when an issue takes place as this can be due to unemployment, maternity leave, sickness, death and many more. Claiming these benefits is very important as this can stand as a relief to the affected person or even the family. UIF Claim Forms Online Application 2025 To get…

  • Technology has made things easy and checking your UIF status can be done from the comfort of your home using your phone. There are several ways of making sure that everything you do is being implemented in your phone and you can easily get something or go through a search with the help of phones.…

  • The UIF payout process has been termed to be an easy one long as you have the necessary details then you are good to go. Before getting your claim form from the UIF some documents will be needed from you to submit and this will enable the department of labour to process your request. UIF…

  • Getting the UIF 19 form and declaration form is one way of showing your employment status to the government and making them know about your work history. This form applies to lots of persons that are employed in the country. UIF 19 Form Download 2024 & Declaration Form There are so many benefits to getting…

  • The UIF has attached benefits to the maternity tier and it is important you know how long it takes for your maternity UIF benefit to pay out. Maternity benefits can only be claimed once you follow the right process. How Long Does Maternity UIF take to Pay Out? Workers on maternity leave must apply for…

  • The UIF maternity can be said to be one of the best benefits so far and there are so many reasons supporting that. It is important to know how to calculate your UIF maternity benefits. Knowing how much you are supposed to earn and how long you will be getting paid as this will enable…

  • There were so many issues that were ongoing in the UIF ters and this happened first during the COVID-19 era. The ters was known as one of the most effective monetary government interventions over the years. The ters were created as a lifeline to help in supporting employees and small businesses during the COVID-19 era.…

  • Trying to claim your UIF benefit after some time might be difficult but there are certain ways to go about this only if you have the required documents and you are sure that you have been contributing to the system when you have been working. it is difficult to claim yourย  UIF after 4 years…